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Rosamund Walton
"Walton’s voice, pure and rich in tone, filled the church with its clarity
with perfect intonation... Rosamund Walton’s singing of words from Thomas a Kempis The Imitation of Christ was truly beautiful... To close Rosamund Walton sang Cavell’s now famous words “Patriotism is not enough…..” her captivating voice bringing to an end this most emotional and wonderful evening" - Eventide, English Chamber Orchestra
NN News
"Britten's fearsome collaratura arias were magnificently sung by Rosamund Walton" - Midsummer Night's Dream, Claxton Opera
"the two love songs between Richard and Anne, beautifully sung by Adam Green and Rosamund Walton, were an absolute delight." - Middleham Requiem, Leicester, on the occasion of the reinterment of RIchard III
"The parts of King Richard and Anne Neville, were sung by Adam Green and Rosamund Walton. Their duet, 'Hollin, Green Hollin,' mourning the death of their son, Edward of Middleham, was particularly moving." - Middleham Requiem, Leicester
Richard III Society
"Rosamund Walton was a memorable Dido, shading her voice beautifully in the final lament" - Dido & Aeneas, Morley Consort of Voice and Norwich Baroque
"Soprano Rosamund Walton's "Break in grief" was beautifully sung... Her voice is light and true and her sense of style unerring" - St Matthew Passion, Eye
"lovely cameos from the soloists, soprano Rosamund Walton and baritone Nick Fowler" - Carmina Burana,
"The third soloist, Posy Walton, came to the fore particularly in the Lacrimosa and the Libera Me where she managed to soar above both the choir and orchestra with her impressive vocal range and timbre." - Britten's War Requiem, Gresham's Chapel
Holt Chronicle
"Posy Walton grinned and guiled as the oily, preening Devil, as well as giving robust earthiness to Joseph in the Stravinsky, and clearly relished switching between characters." - Stravinsky's Soldier's Tale, CantiaQuorum
Music Matters
"beautiful clear tone.. charming, exuberant manner and delightful wit" - Christopher Goldsack
"The two soloists were superb; Rosamund Walton performing the famous soprano solo Pie Jesu in a clear, full and involving way." - Faure's Requiem, St Andrew's Hall, Norwich
Simon Kettley
"The Summer Concerts can be relied on not to disappoint and this year's first, a recital by the soprano Rosamund Walton was no exception. Rosamund's varied choice of songs, delivered with spirit and panache, suited her vocal range and colour admirably... managing to combine passion and vocal control... Rosamund achieved a lovely legato line in Barber's Sure on this shining night before throwing herself with gusto into the more theatrical demands of numbers from the musicals. This all went down very well with the audience, as did her drunken stagger up the aisle while getting her tongue tipsily round the lyrics of If I were a bell." - Summer Concert series, Gray's Inn
"..with Rosamund Walton lifting her unwavering soprano line clear and high" - Brahm's Requiem, Norwich Cathedral
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