2 Beats Bar - devised & directed
Motown Motel - devised & directed
A Day in the Life - devised & directed
The Soldier's Tale - composed and directed
Seussical - Suffolk New College
Paperwork! the musical by Amy Mallett - MD, book and direction
Me and my girl; The Sound of Music; Oliver! - MD Cromer & Sheringham Operatic Society
Les Miserables; West Side Story; Jesus Christ Superstar; Sweeney Todd -
Vocal Coach Norwich School
The Twits - MD for Gresham's Prep School
We Will Rock You - Directed Norwich School
Chicago - Directed Norwich School
Fame - Directed Norwich School
Legally Blonde- Directed Norwich School
Guys and dolls- Directed Norwich School
A Midsummer Night's Dream - (settings for Albion Shakespeare Co; Suffolk New College; Maddermarket)
As you like it; Richard the 3rd - Albion Shakespeare Company
The Soldier's Tale - Suffolk New College
The Twits - setting of text by Roald Dahl - Gresham's Prep School
The Witches - setting of text by Roald Dahl - Gresham's Prep School
The Pebble and the Butterfly - Text by Justin Allen - Perfomed in the Purcell Rooms
Rosamund works closely with fellow composer, Amy Mallett. More information can be found at
Musical Director
'Saturday's opening performance ended with a deserved standing ovation for CSODS' - EDP "Sound of music" 2013
'musically excellent under 'Posy' - NODA "Sound of music 2013"
Robin Taylor in his first ‘in charge’ show with the team of Posy Walton and Carole Beatty produced an excellent evening’s entertainment...
Must especially applaud the chorus work in ‘An English Gentleman’.
- NODA review of "Me and my girl", 2012
"Sound of Music" band - 2013
"Paperwork! the musical"
Rosamund is an experienced Composer, Director and Musical Director, and her work in these areas includes;
"Motown Motel"
Photo courtesy of Andreas Yiasimi
'an outstanding and professional show. The (Girl Power) production team of Amanda Howell, Posy Walton and Carole Beatty pulled out all stops to shine, inspire and electrify the company on stage. The audience knew a treat was in store from the moment that excellent orchestra played the first note of the evening.'
NODA - CSODS "Oliver" 2014
'... you have to deliver a show that matches the expectations of eager full house audiences... and the Cromer and Sheringham Operatic and Dramatic Society has done just that to put the icing on its 100th anniversary cake.' - EDP "Oliver!" 2014